Handshake gives 3 tips on how to prepare for virtual career fairs
From Campus to Career on Handshake
Top interview Tips: Common Questions, Body Language & More
Indeed is the main outlet for jobs right after college. In this video, it explains different interviewing tips that include; …
How to Write a Resume (For College Students)
Gives a step by step process of what to include and what to not include in a resume
From Campus to Career on Handshake
Meet a handful of students as they talk about navigating their campus to career journey, including: – Juliana Odiase, creative …
Handshake Building Your Profile
This short tutorial covers how to complete your Handshake profile so more employers can find you when they search.
Why Involvement in College Matters
The most important question that an employer will ask is; Why should I Hire You. Employers want students with skills …