How to Register for Sessions at the Virtual Career and Internship Expo

The Career and Internship Expo is the most important event of our year for students looking to get an internship or job opportunity. After having two virtual expos, we have noticed that some students will sign up for the Expo, but won’t register for sessions with employers! Check out the video and list below for a walk-through of how to sign up for sessions at a virtual Expo!

1. Log into Handshake
2. Go to Events
3. Select Career Fair
4. Register for the Expo
5. Sign-up for Group and 1:1 sessions
6. Set Your Own Schedule

Remember Rattlers, if you don’t sign up for sessions, you won’t have anything scheduled for the day of the Expo. Make sure to register for sessions early before slots run out with your favorite employers. Let’s get hired, Rattlers!

By Madison Johnson
Madison Johnson Marketing and Design Graduate Assistant